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jeudi 29 novembre 2007

Je viens de recevoir un mail de Zopa, le réseau social basé sur l'entraide financière entre particuliers, qui annonce sa très très prochaine ouverture sur le territoire américain.

Voici un court extrait de cet e-mail :
"Lots of real people taking money out and putting money in. But Zopa in the USA will be very different, too. Here are just some of the ways we'll be different from the sites that exist today:
  • No risk for investors.
    Your funds will be federally insured. No more worrying about whether your borrowers will pay your loan back.
  • Pick who you want to help.
    Investors will choose exactly who they want to help.
  • Set your rate.
    Investors will choose how much they want to earn, up to a ceiling.
  • No waiting.
    Borrowers will get their loans immediately upon approval.
  • Lower your monthly payment.
    Borrowers can actually reduce their loan payments after they've borrowed. They'll do that using rich profiles...

How will we do all this? By using some very cool technology and a terrific partnership with leading credit unions. More coming soon! And we do mean soon... "

En cadeau, pour les aficionados du P2P Lending (le prêt de particulier à particulier), je vous communique le lien vers un article daté de mercredi sur Zopa aux US dans le Wall Street Journal : Online Lending Gets Easier and Safer.


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